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Fire Smoke Dampers Can Save Lives

· UL fire rated damper,Fire dampers,hvac companies

Life-saving devices:
Everybody knows how essential fire smoke dampers can be in preventing major hazards and saving lives. Sadly, when it comes to keeping regular tabs on smooth running of these life-saving mechanisms people tend to be surprising callous.

The result, when a fire breaks out, they become sitting ducks. Even after installing these ingenious structures, death tolls due to fire in the US are forever rising. Lack of maintenance in the post installation phase jams up the dampers and they fail to work when needed the most.

Life Saving Devices

World trade center attack:
Those who want to know about the importance of combined fire and smoke dampers do not need to look beyond the WTC attack. These simple mechanisms saved the lives of many people by giving them enough time to flee in a tragedy that killed over 3,000 fire fighters and civilians.

Damage due to campus and hospital fires can be limited significantly through regular inspection of devices and other fire curbing mechanisms. That’s why large complexes and multi-storied buildings use UL fire rated dampers in their buildings.

Save damage:
Dampers save damage by delaying and stopping the spread of smoke, gas, fumes, and flames in case of fire or planned attack. This results in saving of human lives. For building managers or owners, it signifies lower replacement and reconstruction costs. Even insurance companies are asking for proof of regular inspections for determining building safety. With incidences of terrorism and arson on the rise, the focus shifted from simple fire safety or its compliance.

fire  dampers

HVAC system:
Everybody realises that the HVAC system related to residential and commercial buildings makes it easy for biological aerosolized agents, smoke, or fire to travel unhampered and fast. So much so that planning guidelines related to terrorism prevention these days, emphasis on the use of sturdy and functional air duct devices.

Building evaluation:
Building evaluation these days should contain reports regarding filtration through duct-work and its overall condition besides the presence of functioning devices. Their sealing condition in the closed state and responsiveness in emergencies are other points to note.

Prevention is better than cure:
After all, prevention is always better than cure. Most manufacturers recommend timely inspection and testing of devices, ideally once every 6 months. Increased testing signifies smooth working of these mechanisms for an extended period. This also lessens regular replacement needs, helping owners save money while simultaneously ensuring that the buildings remain safe in case of emergencies.

UL fire rated dampers

Modern world:
In the modern world, devices are as crucial as any other fire safety device that people install in their home or office. Despite so many inherent benefits, the failure rate of fire smoke devices is still uncomfortably high. So, do not take their maintenance lightly. It is advisable to install the UL fire rated dampers in your homes and offices. They can very well be the difference between life and death for you.